
First Compartment: Bus-Bars with incoming main connection (similar to K.I-2-Vertical, K.I-3-Vertical, and K.I-4-Vertical).
Second Compartment:
▪ a) One or two Main Breakers and Metering transformer (similar to K.I-3-Vertical and K.I-4-Vertical).
▪ b) Main breaker, feeder breakers, and metering transformer (similar to K.I-2-Vertical, K.I-3-Vertical, and K.I-4-Vertical).
Third Compartment:
▪ a) Main breaker , feeder breakers, metering transformer (similar to K.I-3-Vertical and K.I-4-Vertical).
▪ b) Only feeder breakers (similar to K.I-3-Vertical and K.I-4-Vertical).
Fourth Compartment:
▪ a) Main breaker, feeder breakers, and metering transformer (similar to K.I-4-Vertical).
▪ b) Feeder breaker (similar to K.I-4-Vertical).
▪ c) Main breaker and metering transformer.
Fifth Compartment:
▪ a) Main breaker, feeder breaker, and metering transformer.
▪ b) Feeder breaker.

Selection of different models of verticals Know More

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